Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Winter Street Half-Marathon Pictures

I didn't have my camera with me on Saturday at the race, but I found these pictures. The first three pictures are Grandpa Jack doing his thing. The dude in the Santa outfit (or St. Nicholas outfit as they would say in Germany) is 90 years old. He belongs to one of the local track and field clubs and has been running since he was 52 years old. The area newspaper had an article about him when he completed the Baden Half-Marathon in September (time = 3:03:04) - he is truly amazing!

seriously...what susie're like a machine - strong indeed!
Fresh as a daisy, even after 21k... awesome!
Great pics! I can't believe that guy is NINETY years old, AND running in that suit! That's awesome, I hope I can still be running at 90. Guess I have a few years to work on that one!
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