Sunday, April 03, 2005

Spring is Here

We spent a nice day in the garden yesterday, cleaned up the flower beds, put out some compost etc. My legs felt surprisingly good, despite the approx. 30K (18+ mile) run yesterday morning. I guess the constant movement throughout the day kept them limber and loosened up. This morning my legs were a little stiff, but still not bad. The sun is shining, so I am going to keep this short and go outside and enjoy the weather. It is supposed to rain most of the coming week, so I have to take advantage of the nice day. Happy running!

Reminds me I have to get the garden going again soon. And good job on that accidentally long run yesterday. In a way that's pretty encouraging, especially since you didn't need to be carried back or anything. Usually my legs would tell me I had run to far before I got too far off track. :)
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