Thursday, March 31, 2005

Well so much for the Day of Rest.

I lasted till about 11:00 a.m., mostly sitting working on my genealogy homepage. Then I got tired of staring at the monitor, tired of sitting - so saddled up my running shoes and went for a run. I started out really slow, about 7 minutes for the first kilometer (0.6 miles), then eventually increasing to just over 6 minutes per kilometer. A gentle rain was falling, but it was fairly warm. My legs were kind of stiff for the first 10-15 minutes, but they loosened up nicely, so I kept going. I ran my 14K (8.6 mile) trail, almost drowning in a couple patches of mud (Jon can I borrow your new trail shoes:), but otherwise it was a nice run. My legs feel good, still not perfect, but I think the run helped stretch them out.

I was thinking a little about the tentative marathon in May as I ran. If I can make at least two long runs over 30K (19-21 miles) before the first of May I should be able to finish the marathon on May 21st. The goal of my first marathon is to finish, whether it takes four hours or six is really not important. If I run my normal training pace (and don't stop) I could complete the run in 4 1/2-5 hours. The biggest risk is that I get out there and get sucked into a faster tempo and hit the wall.

So I am strongly thinking about running all my runs over the next couple months at a recovery pace, rather than my normal training pace. This should also help prevent any pre-race injuries, which at my age, is a major consideration. On the other side I was making good headway in increasing my speed, it breaks my heart to slow down again. I never was a patient sort of dude. Happy running!

Bad Jack for ingoring his rest day!

Ok, well, glad the run came out ok. Its so hard to sit and do nothing. Today is a rest day for me but you know? The running clothes got packed and are in the truck anyway. :)
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For a first marathon, speedwork is not a part of Galloway's training. He recommends focusing on running the longer distances. Speed also can come with greater endurance, created by simply running longer (according to him). I don't believe you will necessarily sacrafice your speed if you focus on distance for a while. Maybe you are trying to do too much rather than focusing on one goal? Just a thought...
I think a back to basics approach is in my best interest in the moment. I know Galloway stresses that speed should not be a priority for a first marathon. As Neca identified I have been trying to increase my speed and go the distance. This may be find for repeat marathon runners, but being a newbie, I need to stifle the "need for speed" and concentrate on the distance without breakdown. Thanks for the gentle wakeup Neca!
You'll figure it out.

Personally, I just can't wait to read that marathon race report! :)
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